Treasuring and Trusting Christ Together


Posts tagged Discipleship
YouVersion Integration For Wednesday Nights

Over the last couple of weeks, I have been doing some research to find out how to maximize out Wednesday Evening Adult Discipleship time (you can read about that here). As I was working on this, I ran across an amazing fact. The YouVersion Bible app is the most popular Bible app in the world with over 86 million downloads. I decided to test this out and posted on our Facebook page asking who used it. Seems that a lot of us do, which is really good because YouVersion has some features that will help Wednesday evenings be even more beneficial. 

So... Starting this next week, we will be integrating YouVersion into our Wednesday Night Adult Discipleship. Each week, there will be an "event" that is posted that will have space for you to write down prayer notes from our time in prayer together as well as notes during our time together and an outline/teacher notes. All of these can be saved right to your app for you to use later or go back through during the week. 

To access this, open your YouVersion app and then click on "more" in the lower right hand corner. You will see an option called "events". Click on that and then click on the Arbor Drive Community Church event. You can then make notes and save the event to your app. The events will be available 4 days before each Wednesday and then for a day after before they disappear. Once you have saved your notes though, they stay on your app. It's that easy. Throughout the next few weeks as we get this going, please be sure to let us know how we can improve it and make it more useful to you.