Treasuring and Trusting Christ Together


Posts tagged Cancellation
No Church Activities This Morning (11/25/18)

Due to road and weather conditions, all church activities for this morning are cancelled. So while we cannot gather in the same place this morning to worship, we can gather together in different locations to worship. I would encourage families to gather together this morning to worship in song and the word. Here is a suggestion for what that might look like:

- Have someone start by praying for other members of our church family by name and then have someone pray for our church body in general. 

- Sing a couple of songs together. Here are two suggestions from Pastor Joe: Come Thou Fount and Before the Throne. Talk together about the message of those songs and how the truth of those songs impact you. 

- Read through Romans 8 together as a family. Take turns reading and especially include children that can read. Once you have read through it, take turns talking about one truth of that chapter that is especially precious to each person. 

- Close in prayer, giving thanks for those truths that were mentioned and praying for each member of the family individually. 

This is a great opportunity for husbands and dads to lead spiritually and show our children that what we do on Sunday morning is important and though we cannot gather together as a church family, we can still worship together and treasure our God who saved us. 

I look forward to gathering with you all next Sunday and will miss seeing you this morning. Have a safe and fun day together as a family. 

With love, 
Pastor Jon